...kita semua harus menerima kenyataan, tapi menerima kenyataan saja adalah pekerjaan manusia yang tak mampu lagi berkembang. Karena manusia juga bisa membikin kenyataan-kenyataan baru. Kalau tak ada orang mau membikin kenyataan-kenyataan baru, maka “kemajuan” sebagai kata dan makna sepatutnya dihapuskan dari kamus umat manusia...
(Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Rumah Kaca, hal 436)
Monday, May 31, 2010
Kutipan Rumah Kaca,
Posted by TKT at 9:34 AM 0 comments
SASTRA, SENSOR, DAN NEGARA; Seberapa Jauh Bahaya Bacaan?
Seberapa Jauh Bahaya Bacaan?
Saya warganegara Indonesia dari ethnik Jawa. Kodrat ini
menjelaskan, bahwa saya dibesarkan oleh sastra Jawa, yang
didominasi oleh sastra wayang, lisan mau pun tulisan, yang
berkisah tentang Mahabharata dan Ramayana versi Jawa, serta
kunyahan-kunyahan atasnya dengan masih tetap bertumpu pada
kewibaan Hindu. Sastra yang dominan ini tanpa disadari
mengagungkan klas atau kasta satria, sedang klas-klas atau kasta-
kasta dibawahnya tidak punya peran sama sekali. Pekerjaan pokok
kasta satria adalah membunuh lawannya. Selain sastra wayang yang
agak dominan adalah sastra babad, juga mengagungkan kasta satria,
yang ditangan para pujangganya menyulap kejahatan atau kekalahan
para raja menjadi mitos yang fantastik.
Salah satu contoh bagaimana pujangga Jawa memitoskan kekalahan
Sultan Agung, raja pedalaman Jawa, yang dalam operasi militer
terhadap Batavia-nya Belanda pada dekade kedua abad 17 telah
mengalami kekalahan total. Akibatnya Mataram kehilangan
kekuasaannya atas Laut Jawa sebagai jalan laut internasional.
Untuk menutupi kehilangan tersebut pujangga Jawa menciptakan Dewi
Laut Nyai Roro Kidul sebagai selimut, bahwa Mataram masih
menguasai laut, di sini Laut Selatan (Samudera Hindia). Mytos ini
melahirkan anak-anak mytos yang lain: bahwa setiap raja Mataram
beristerikan Sang Dewi tersebut. Anak mytos lain: ditabukan
berpakaian hijau di pantai Laut Selatan. Ini untuk memutuskan
asosiasi orang pada pakaian hijau Kompeni Belanda. Dan tanpa
disengaja oleh pujangganya sendiri Sang Dewi telah mengukuhkan
kekuasaan para raja Mataram atas rakyatnya. Bahkan menjadi polisi
batin rakyat Mataram.
Di sini kita berhadapan dengan sastra dalam hubungan dengan
negara, dan dipergunakan oleh negara, dengan fungsi pengagungan
kastanya sendiri. Diturunkan dari generasi ke generasi akibatnya
adalah menafikan kemajuan zaman, memberikan beban histori yang
tidak perlu, membuat orang beranggapan bahwa masa lalu lebih baik
daripada yang sekarang. Pendapat ini yang membuat saya
meninggalkan sama sekali sastra demikian.
Meninggalkan sastra yang dilahirkan dalam pangkuan kekuasaan dan
berfungsi memangku kekuasaan semacam itu, sejauh pengalaman saya,
langsung saya bertemu dengan sastra hiburan, memberikan umpan
pada impian-impian naluri purba pada pembacanya. Sejalan dengan
Machiavelli, sastra demikian menjadi bagian alat tak langsung
keekuasaan agar masyarakat tak punya peerhatian pada kekuasaan
negara. Singkatnya, agar masyarakat tidak berpolitik, tidak
mengindahkan politik. Sastra dari kelompok kedua ini membawa
pembacanya berhenti di tempat.
Karena pengalaman pribadi sebagai anak keluarga pejuang
kemerdekaan maka saya memaafkan diri sendiri kalau tidak menyukai
sastra golongan kedua ini. Seiring dengan pengalaman pribadi
tersebut, walau pada awalnya tidak saya sadari, langsung saya
tertarik pada sastra yang bisa memberikan keberanian, nilai-nilai
baru, cara pandang-dunia baru, harkat manusia, dan peran individu
dalam masyarakatnya. Estetika yang dititikberatkan pada bahasa
dan penggunaannya dianggarkan pada orientasi baru peranan
individu dalam masyarakat yang dicitakan. Sastra dari golongan
ketiga ini yang kemudian jadi kegiatan saya di bidang kreasi.
Setiap karya sastra adalah otobiografi pengarangnya pada tahap
dan sitiuasi tertentu. Maka juga ia produk individu dan bersifat
individual. Persembahannya kepada masyarakat tak lain dari
sumbangan individu pada kolektivitas. Juga dalam hubungan
kekuasaan, standar budaya yang berlaku, sikap pengarang sebagai
individu terpancarkan baik dengan sadar atau tidak. Sampai di
sini tugas pengarang adalah melakukan evaluasi dan reevalusi
kemapanan di semua bidang kehidupan. Laku ini diambil karena
pengarang bersangkutan tidak puas, bahkan merasa terpojokkan,
bahkan tertindas oleh kemapanan yang berlaku. Ia berseru, malah
melawan, bahkan memberontak. Bukan suatu kebetulan bila pernah
dikatakan pengarang - dengan sendirinya dari golongan ketiga ini
- dinamai opposan, pemberontak, bahkan biang revolusi seorang
diri dalam kebisuan.
Di negara-negara dengan kehidupan demokratis beratus tahun kalah-
menang dalam pertarungan idea adalah suatu kewajaran. Itu bukan
berarti bahwa demokrasi tidak punya cacad. Eropa yang demokratis
di Eropa justru tidak demokratis di negeri-negeri yang
dijajahnya. Sebagai akibat di negeri-negeri jajahannya yang tak
mengenyam demokrasi kalah-menang dalam pertarungan idea bisa
dilahirkan dendam berlarut sebagai akibat konsep tradisional
tentang gengsi pribadi dan panutan patrimonial.
Di Indonesia sensor atas karya sastra dikenal baru dalam dekade
kedua abad ini. Sebelumnya atas karya sastra sensor lebih banyak
ditujukan pada mass-media. Dan sejalan dengan tradisi hukum
tindakan terhadap delik pers diputuskan melalui pengadilan.
Larangan terhadap beredarnya beberapa karya sastra Mas Marco
Kartodikromo, di luar tradisi, diberlakukan tanpa prosedur hukum,
dan dilakukan oleh pejabat-pejabat Pribumi kolonial setempat-
setempat. Larangan dan penyitaan, juga oleh pejabat kolonial
Pribumi pernah dilakukan terhadap karya ayah saya, tetapi karya
itu bukan karya sastra tetapi teks pelajaran sekolah-sekolah
dasar yang tidak mengikuti kurikulum kolonial.
Larangan terhadap karya sastra memang suatu keluarbiasaan.
Berabad lamanya setelah kerajaan-kerajaan maritim terdesak
kekuatan Barat dan menjadi kerajaan-kerajaan pedalaman atau desa
yang agraris kekuasaan feodalisme yang semata-mata dihidupi
petani mengakibatkan lahirnya mentalitas baru yang juga merosot.
Para pujangga Jawa mengukuhkan budaya "teposliro" (tahu diri),
kesadaran tentang tempat sosialnya terhadap kekuasaan sesuai
dengan hierarkinya, dari sejak kehidupan dalam keluarga sampai
pada puncak kekuasaan. Penggunaaan eufemisme (= Jawa : kromo)
sampai 7 tingkat yang berlaku sesuai hierarki kekuasaan
menterjemahkan semakin kerdilnya budaya tradisional. Maka dalam
sastra Jawa evaluasi dan reevaluasi budaya belum pernah terjadi.
Itu bisa terjadi hanya dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, yang
kalau perlu, menafikan semua eufemisme, maka juga dalam sastra
Indonesialah sensor kekuasaan bisa terjadi.
Idea-idea dari semua penjuru dunia yang ditampung oleh masyarakat
modern Indonesia pada menjelang akhir abad 20 sudah tak mungkin
dibendung pantulannya oleh kekuasaan yang segan menjadi dewasa.
Untuk memungkinkan orang-orang dengan kekuasaan negara dapat
tidur dengan nyenyak tanpa perlu memajukan dirinya lembaga sensor
memang perlu diadakan.
Jawa dikodratkan memiliki faktor-faktor geografi yang
menguntungkan. Dari semua pulau di Indonesia di Jawalah
penduduknya berkembang sebagai faktor-faktor klimatologis yang
mendukung pertanian. Bukan suatu kebetulan bila kolonialis
Belanda membuat Jawa jadi pusat imperium dunianya di luar Eropa.
Dengan kepergiannya, masih tetap jadi pusat Indonesia, dengan
penduduknya mayoritas di seluruh Indonesia, masuknya sejumlah
budaya tradisional ke dalam kekuasaan negara memang tidak dapat
dihindarkan. Di antara budaya tradisional Jawa yang terasa
menekan ini adalah "tepo-sliro", kehidupan kekuasaan sekarang
dinamai dengan bahasa Inggris "self-cencorship". Nampaknya elit
kekuasaan malu menggunakan nama aslinya. Dengan demikian menjadi
salah satu faset dalam kehidupan modern Indoensia bagaimana orang
menyembunyikan atavitas/atavisme.
Saya cenderung memasukkan sastra golongan ketiga ini ke dalam
sastra avant garde. Saya nilai pengarangnya mempunyai keberanian
mengevaluasi dan mereevaluasi budaya dan kekuasaan yang mapan.
Dan sebagai individu seorang diri sebaliknya ia pun harus
menanggung seorang diri pukulan balik setiap individu lain yang
merasa terancam kemapanannya.
Jadi sampai seberapa jauh karya sastra dapat berbahaya bagi
negara? Menurut pendapat saya pribadi karya sastra, di sini
cerita, sebenarnya tidak pernah menjadi bahaya bagi negara. Ia
ditulis dengan nama jelas, diketahui dari mana asalnya, dan juga
jelas bersumber dari hanya seorang individu yang tak memiliki
barisan polisi, militer, mau pun barisan pembunuh bayaran. Ia
hanya bercerita tentang kemungkinan kehidupan lebih baik dengan
pola-pola pembaruan atas kemapanan yang lapuk, tua, dan kehabisan
Dalam pada itu setiap negara pada setiap saat bisa berubah dasar
sistemnya, dengan atau tanpa karya sastra avant garde. Perubahan
demikian telah dialami oleh negara Indonesia sendiri dari
demokrasi liberal menjadi demokrasi terpimpin dan kemudian
demokrasi pancasila, yaitu era kemerdekaan nasional setelah
tumbangnya negara kolonial yang bernama Hindia Belanda dan
peralihan pendudukan militeristis Jepang. Dalam masa demokrasi
liberal di mana negara tetap berdasarkan pancasila yang tak
banyak acuhkan, dalam masa demokrasi terpimpin, sewaktu Presiden
Soekarno dengan segala konsekuensinya hendak mandiri dan
mengebaskan pengaruh dan keterlibatan perang dingin para
adikuasa, pancasila lebih banyak dijadikan titik berat. Soekarno
sebagai penggali pancasila tidak bosan-bosannya menerangkan bahwa
pancasila di antaranya digali dari San Min Chui Sun Yat Sen,
Declaration of Independence Amerika Serikat, dan Manifes Komunis
dalam hal keadilan sosial. Semasa demokrasi pancasila yang
ditandai dengan gerakan de-Soekarnoisasi, rujukan-rujukan
Pancasila bukan saja tidak pernah disebut lagi bahkan pernah ada
upaya dari seorang sejarawan orde baru yang mebuat teori bahwa
pancasila bukan berasal dari Soekarno. Dalam sejumlah peralihan
ini tidak pernah terbukti ada karya sastra yang memberikan
pengaruhnya. Dan memang sastra avant garde praktis belum pernah
lahir. Karya-karya sastra Indonesia praktis baru bersifat
deskriptif. Bila toh ada avant garde yang lahir itu terjadi
semasa penindasan militerisme Jepang, suatu pemberontakan yang
terjadi sama kerasnya dengan penindasannya. Individu tersebut,
Chairil Anwar, dengan sajaknya "Aku", menyatakan Aku binatang
jalan/Dari kumpulannya terbuang. Ia menolak diperlakukan sebagai
binatang ternak Jepang, yang hanya harus melakukan perintah
Jepang, dan memisahkan diri dari selebihnya. Ia sendirilah yang
harus bertanggung-jawab atas karyanya. Kempeitei menangkap dan
menganiayanya. Memang kemudian ia dibebaskan. Ironisnya
masyarakat pembaca yang banyak membaca dan menyukai sajak
tersebut dan umumnya tak dikaitkan dengan masa pendudukan
militeris Jepang waktu ia menciptakannya.
Maaf kalau saya hanya bicara tentang sastra Indonesia. Namun saya
percaya bicara tentang sastra mana pun adalah juga bicara -walau
tak langsung- tentang sastra regional dan internasional
sekaligus, karena setiap karya sastra adalah otobiografi seorang
individu, seorang dari ummat manusia selebihnya, yang
mempersembahkan pengalaman batinnya pada kolektivitas pengalaman
ummat manusia.
Berdasarkan historinya Indonesia memerlukan sebarisan besar
pengarang dari golongan avant garde. Berabad lamanya rakyat bawah
membiayakan feodalisme. Dengan kemenangan kolonialisme mereka
kemudian juga harus membiayai hidupnya kolonialisme. Walau
feodalime sebagai suatu sistem sudah dihapuskan oleh proklamasi
kemerdekaan namun watak budayanya masih tetap hidup, bahkan elit
kekuasaan mencoba melestarikannya. Sstra avant gardelah yang
menawarkan evaluasi, reevalusi, pembaruan, dan dengan sendirinya
keberanian untuk menanggung resikonya sendirian.
Di sini menjadi jelas bahwa cerita, karya sastra, sama sekali
tidak berbahaya bagi negara yang setiap waktu dapat berganti
dasar dan sistem. Karya sastra para pengarang avant garde hanya
mengganggu tidur pribadi-pribadi dalam lingkaran elit kekuasaan,
yang kuatir suatu kali cengkeramannya atas rakyat bawahan bisa
Saya sendiri, walau berasal dari keluarga pejuang kemerdekaan dan
sendiri pun pejuang kemerdekaan, dalam 50 tahun kemerdekaan
nasional ternyata justru kehilangan kemerdekaan pribadi saya
selama 35,5 tahun. 2,5 tahun dirampas Belanda, hampir satu tahun
dirampas kekuasaan militer semasa orde lama, dan 30 tahun semasa
orde baru, diantaranya 10 tahun kerja paksa di Pulau Buru dan 16
tahun sebagai ternak juga hanya dengan kode ET, artinya tahanan
di luar penjara. Sebagai pengarang barang tentu saya berontak
terhadap kenyataan ini. Maka dalam karya-karya saya, saya mencoba
berkisah tentang tahap-tahap tertentu perjalanan bangsa ini dan
mencoba menjawab: mengapa bangsa ini jadi begini?
Bahwa karya-karya dilarang beredar di tanah air saya sendiri atas
permintaan beberapa pribadi dalam elite kekuasaan, bagi saya
tidak jadi soal. Larangan-larangan tersebut malah memberi nilai
lebih pada karya-karya tersebut tanpa disadari oleh kekuasaan.
Mungkin ada yang heran mengapa bagi saya sastra bertautan erat
dengan politik. Saya tidak akan menolak kenyataan itu. Menurut
pandangan saya setiap orang dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat,
apalagi berbangsa, selalu bertautan dengan politik. Bahwa
seseorang menerima, menolak, bahkan mengukuhi suatu
kewarganegaraan adalah suatu sikap politik. Bahwa seseorang
mengibarkan bendera kebangsaannya, itu adalah perbuatan politik.
Bahwa seseorang membayar pajak, itu adalah pengakuan pada
kekuasaan, jadi juga berarti ketaatan politik. Juga sastra tidak
bisa lepas dari politik sejak sastra itu sendiri dilahirkan ummat
manusia. Selama ada masyarakat manusia dan kekuasaan yang
mengatur atau pun merusaknya, di situ setiap individu bertautan
dengan politik.
Pernah lahir anggapan bahwa politik adalah kotor, maka sastra
harus terpisahkan dari politik. Memang bisa saja politik kotor di
tangan dan dari hati politisi yang kolot. Kalau ada yang kotor
barang tentu juga ada yang tidak kotor. Dan bahwa sastra
sebaiknya harus terpisahkan dari politik sebenarnya keluar dari
pikiran para pengarang yang politiknya adalah tidak berpolitik.
Politik sendiri tidak bisa diartikan hanya sebatas kepartaian,
ia adalah semua aspek yang bersangkutan dengan kekuasaan, dan
selama masyarakat ada kekuasaan juga ada, tak peduli bagaimana
eksistensinya, kotor atau bersih. Dan dapat dikatakan sastra yang
"menolak" politik sesungguhnya dilahirkan oleh para pengarang
yang telah mapan dapam pangkuan kekuasaan yang berlaku.
penghargaan Magsaysay, di Manila,
Posted by TKT at 9:33 AM 0 comments
Kutipan Rumah Kaca,
...gairah kerja adalah pertanda daya hidup; dan selama orang tidak suka bekerja sebenarnya ia sedang berjabatan tangan dengan maut...
(Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Rumah Kaca, hal 460)
Posted by TKT at 9:29 AM 0 comments
Jakarta, 6 Oktober 1998
Posted by TKT at 9:29 AM 0 comments
MIAMI, Travel Information
Far from being a centralized metropolis, Miami is a collection of neighborhoods spanning many largely unwalkable miles. Most visitors spend time in Miami Beach, a barrier island that runs parallel to the shoreline and is connected by causeways to the mainland. South Beach, the epicenter of Miami's restaurant and nightlife scenes, is the island's southernmost tip; to the north, Mid-Beach and North Beach stretch with endless condominiums and towering hotels. To the south lies another island, the largely residential Key Biscayne.
Back on the mainland, Downtown Miami is the city's financial zone, where towering skyscrapers dissolve into neighborhoods such as Brickell, the Design District, and Little Havana, home to Calle Ocho and the beating heart of Miami's exile Cuban community. Coral Gables and Coconut Grove, are where you'll find the University of Miami and some of the city's most beautiful Mediterranean architecture, are south of downtown.
The winter months are the most popular in Miami; the temperatures are in the 70s and 80s with low humidity and cool nights. There's also more of a social scene, particularly in early December, when hordes descend for the annual Art Basel Miami Beach art show, and around New Year's Eve, when there are wall-to-wall parties in South Beach. When the rates go down at even the most posh hotels, the summer season is a bargain. But prices include choking humidity and the occasional risk of a hurricane (especially high from June to November).
Miami International Airport services both domestic and international carriers and is seven miles from the city's downtown area and about ten miles from the beaches. It's chaotic, crowded, and perennially under construction, so some regulars prefer to fly into Fort Lauderdale airport instead—it's about half an hour's drive from South Beach. Amtrak also has service into Miami from up and down the East Coast and cross-country. The train station is located at 8303 N.W. 37th Avenue in Miami.
Metrobus, the local bus service, runs throughout Miami-Dade County, offering 100 routes, some running 24 hours a day. The county also operates Metrorail, an elevated rail service that runs along a 21-mile track from South Miami and Coral Gables to Northwest Miami, but it generally doesn't go to most places that visitors would (including, inexplicably, the airport). Somewhat more useful is the 4.5-mile elevated rail called Metromover that circles the downtown area and connects with Metrorail at the Government Center stop. In general, though, the best way to get around is by taxi or rental car. Rental-car agencies have offices at the airport and throughout the city, particularly downtown and in Miami Beach. Also, with the exception of Coconut Grove and South Beach, this is a driving city, not a walking city.
Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau
701 Brickell Avenue, Suite 2700
Miami 33131
Tel: 305 539 3000
Posted by TKT at 9:22 AM 0 comments
5/25/2010 5:39:00 PM
Already 56,000 tickets have been sold for the charity match between the Real Madrid veterans and the Milan Glories on Sunday May 30 at the Santiago Bernabeu of Madrid. Many Rossoneri champions present.
MILAN - Tonight Santiago Bernabeu will be the theatres for an important initiative organized by the Real Madrid Foundation 'Corazon Classic Match 2010', for which already 60,000 tickets have been sold. The profits of the match will go for the research project on the sudden death cause of the athletes, a project which has already started being developed at the Clinical San Carlos Hospital. This is the list of Rossoneri players called-up: Franco Baresi, Zvonimir Boban. Simone Braglia, Marcos Cafu, Angelo Carbone, Alessandro Costacurta, Roberto Donadoni, Stefano Eranio, Diego Fuser, Filippo Galli, Gigi Lentini, Paolo Maldini, Daniele Massaro, Cristian Panucci, Jean Pierre Papin, Sebastiano Rossi, Manuel Rui Costa, Serginho, Marco Simone, George Weah, Roberto Lorenzini, Stefano Nava.
Today's event is a sort of second leg solidarity match like the Trofeo Telecom Italia for the Sla fight, which took place on September 7 2009, where the Milan Glories and Real Madrid Veteranos took part. It was a night of stars and great names, all for Stefano Borgonovo, guest of honour, who went on the pitch amongst the applauses of the people and the friends' embraces, accompanied by Paolo Maldini. The captain took him to the middle of the pitch to allow him to feel the warmth of everyone in a stadium which was just for him.
The match saw the Rossoneri (Arrigo Sacchi on the bench) win 2-0, with the goals of Marco Simone and Diego Fuser, amongst many champions who returned to play for Borgonovo and his family. Amongst others, with the Rossoneri there were Franco Baresi, Mauro Tassotti, Angelo Colombo, Billy Costacurta, Gigi Lentini, Zvonimir Boban, Marco Simone, Filippo and Giovanni Galli, Maurizio Ganz and then them: Marco Van Basten, celebrated by the entire stadium, and George Weah. On the stands also the Milan coach Leonardo, with the general manager Adriano Galliani. For Real: Butragueno, Llorente, Buyo, Sanchis, Gallego and many others. Great referee: Pierluigi Collina who wanted to take part.
Posted by TKT at 9:17 AM 0 comments
For the 2nd match in a row, Maria's match has been suspended due to bad light at Roland Garros. Maria is currently level in sets with #22 seed Justine Henin of Belgium in the 3rd round. The score was 2-6 6-3 when play was stopped at just after 9 in the evening.
Henin got off to the better start in the first set as she raced into a 4-0 lead and Henin managed to maintain control of the set as she dropped only 2 games to take the set 6-2 in 35 minutes.
The second set was a lot closer than the first as both players held their serve until Maria broke to lead 5-3. In the next game Maria held to love to take her first set on clay against the 4-time Roland Garros champion when the Belgian hit a forehand error.
This match will resume on Sunday on Chatrier court and will be the 2nd match and the schedule of play begins at 11.00CET (5.00ET & 2.00PT).
Posted by TKT at 9:11 AM 0 comments
Sign McLaren One-Two finish Rio Create reverberate in Turkey Indonesia Raya
... Rio juara
Lagu ”Indonesia Raya” berkumandang di Istanbul, Turki, ketika Rio Haryanto, pebalap muda Indonesia keluar sebagai juara race kedua Kejuaraan GP3 Seri II di Sirkuit Istanbul Park. Rio yang start urutan pertama mampu mempertahankan posisi hingga selesai 15 lap.
Sesuai dengan aturan GP3, pebalap yang menduduki posisi delapan pada race pertama, sehari sebelum race kedua, menempati posisi start pertama pada race ke dua. Sabtu (29/5) kemarin Rio finis urutan kedelapan.
”Senang sekali bisa langsung meraih podium utama pada seri kedua ini. Semua itu karena ketepatan pada saat melakukan start. Di samping itu, selama menyelesaikan 15 lap, sama sekali saya tidak mendapat tekanan dari siapa pun,” tutur juara umum Formula BMW Pasific 2009 itu.
Rio hanya sempat mendapat tekanan dari Miki Monras (MW Arden), tidak begitu jauh. ”Tetapi, setelah enam lap selesai, perlahan-lahan jarak saya semakin jauh dari pebalap yang ada di belakang saya dan itu bertahan hingga mencapai 15 lap terakhir,” tutur Rio yang menyelesaikan lomba dengan waktu 27 menit dan 08,058 detik.
Apalagi, lanjut Rio, dia tahu bahwa kendaraan GP3 yang diawakinya itu akan semakin cepat apabila mesinnya makin panas. ”Itu sebabnya, pada lap-lap awal saya tidak langsung menekan gas untuk bisa mencapai kecepatan penuh,” katanya.
Rio juga menambahkan bahwa simulator sirkuit sangat membantu dirinya. ”Tiga minggu sebelum turun di Istanbul, saya sempat mencoba simulator Sirkuit Istanbul Park di Inggris. Memang tidak bisa terasakan kondisi aspal sirkuitnya, tetapi sedikitnya saya bisa lebih kenal dengan semua tikungan yang ada di sirkuit ini,” katanya.
Rio menambahkan, sebelum tampil di seri GP3 Valencia 25-27 Juni, ia akan kembali memanfaatkan simulator sirkuit Valencia. ”Ya, biasanya selama tiga jam, seperti saat mengenal Sirkuit Istanbul Park lalu,” katanya. (Korano Nicolas LMS, dari Istanbul, Turki)
.. Rio champion
The song "Indonesia Raya" reverberated in Istanbul, Turkey, when Rio Haryanto, young Indonesian pebalap out as a champion race two GP3 Championship Series II at Istanbul Park Circuit. Rio to start the first sequence is able to maintain its position until after 15 laps.
In accordance with the rules of GP3, pebalap who occupy the first eight positions in the race, the day before race two, the first starting position in race two. Saturday (29 / 5) yesterday Rio finish eighth.
"It was good to directly reach the main podium in this second series. All because the accuracy at the time of start. In addition, during the complete 15 laps, I did not get pressure from anyone, "said general Formula BMW Pacific Champion in 2009's.
Rio only got to get pressure from Mickey Monras (MW Arden), not so much. "But, after six laps completed, slowly I am getting far distance from the existing pebalap behind me and it lasted until reaching the last 15 laps," said Rio who completed the race with a time of 27 minutes and 08.058 seconds.
Moreover, continued the Rio, he knew that the vehicle diawakinya GP3 that will more quickly if the engine getting hot. "That's why, at the beginning of my cloths are not directly hit the gas to reach full speed," he said.
Rio also added that the circuit simulator is helping him. "Three weeks before the fall in Istanbul, I had tried the simulator Istanbul Park Circuit in England. It can not be felt asphalt circuit conditions, but at least I get more familiar with all corners on this circuit, "he said.
Rio added, before appearing in the series GP3 Valencia June 25 to 27, he will be to exploit the Valencia circuit simulator. "Yes, usually for three hours, such as familiar with the Istanbul Park Circuit ago," he said. (Korano Nicolas LMS, from Istanbul, Turkey)
Posted by TKT at 8:59 AM 0 comments
liputan6.com, Bogor: City Government of Bogor, West Java, will declare themselves to be without a smoking area. "Tomorrow, the day coincides with World No tobacco, the city of Bogor will be declared as an Area Without a Cigarette," said Head of Community Health Empowerment Bogor Rubaeah City Health Department, on Sunday (30 / 5).
According Rubaeah, the declaration would involve 400 to 500 people and begins with the morning muster at City Hall with the leaders of Bogor Bogor Mayor Diani Budiarto. After that, the team deployed to the Bogor Botanical Gardens for the public dissemination of Local Regulation on KTR and Perwali number 17 year 2010 about the KTR.
Furthermore Rubaeah say, through the Bogor declaration formally enact legislation so that smokers who remains caught smoking in eight areas will be subject to sanctions KTR. The eight areas are smoke free public places, offices, schools, places of worship, transportation facilities, sports facilities, entertainment venues and places health.
Rubaeah adding the first phase of the punishment is administrative penalties. Three times in a row caught doing the same mistake will be subject to minor criminal witnesses. For people who caught violating will be fined a minimum of USD 100,000 and USD 50,000. "While the technical officials who allow smoking employees will be subject to imprisonment for three days," he explained. (FRI / Ant)
Bogor Jadi Kota Tanpa Rokok
Menurut Rubaeah, deklarasi akan melibatkan 400 hingga 500 orang dan diawali dengan apel siaga pagi di Balaikota Bogor dengan pimpinan Wali Kota Bogor Diani Budiarto. Setelah itu, tim disebar ke Kebun Raya Bogor untuk melakukan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat tentang Peraturan Daerah tentang KTR dan Perwali nomor 17 tahun 2010 tentang KTR.
Lebih jauh Rubaeah mengatakan, lewat deklarasi itu Bogor secara resmi memberlakukan Perda KTR sehingga perokok yang kedapatan merokok di delapan kawasan KTR akan dikenai sanksi. Kedelapan kawasan KTR itu adalah tempat umum, perkantoran, sekolah, tempat ibadah, sarana transportasi, sarana olahraga, tempat hiburan dan tempat kesehatan.
Rubaeah menambahkan hukuman tahap pertama adalah sanksi administrasi. Tiga kali berturut-turut kedapatan melakukan kesalahan sama akan dikenai saksi tindak pidana ringan. Bagi masyarakat yang kedapatan melanggar akan didenda Rp 100.000 dan minimal Rp 50.000. "Sedangkan pejabat teknis yang membiarkan pegawainya merokok akan dikenai hukuman penjara selama tiga hari," jelasnya.(JUM/Ant)
Posted by TKT at 8:47 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Il DADO E' TRATTO, Perez esce allo scoperto: "Mourinho verrà al Real Madrid!"
Perez annuncia l'esonero di Pellegrini.
26/mag/2010 20.14.00
E' questo quanto riferito dal presidente del Real Madrid nel corso di una conferenza stampa nella quale ha ammesso di aver scelto l'ormai ex allenatore dell'
Un annuncio strano da un certo punto di vista, perchè come noto Mourinho non si è ancora liberato dall'Inter così come ammesso dallo stesso Perez: "Mourinho deve ancora trovare un accordo con il club nerazzurro".
Un passo importante quindi quello del presidente del Real che, se da un lato a lasciato intendere di non voler pagare i 16milioni della clausola rescissoria contenuta nel contratto di Mourinho, dall'altro dovrà comunque preparasi a versare a Pellegrini 4milioni di euro per aver rotto il contratto con due anni d'anticipo.
Posted by TKT at 4:50 PM 0 comments
Recipe: Pound Cake
- 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 cup butter
- 3 3/4 cups confectioners' sugar
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- 1 cup cold water
- 4 eggs
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
- Grease and flour a 10 inch tube pan. Sift together the flour and baking powder; set aside.
- In a large bowl, cream together the butter and confectioners' sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. Beat in the flour mixture alternately with 1 cup water, mixing just until incorporated. Spread into prepared pan.
- Bake in the preheated oven for 60 to 70 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.
- Top the cake with fruit, ice cream, chocolate, or frosting.
Posted by TKT at 4:48 PM 0 comments
Q. You've certainly had a more businesslike time in your first two matches here this year than last year. Can you just talk about how different your sensations are? And also, are you looking forward to playing Justine, even though it's an early round?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Yeah, well, every year is a new year, and you face different opponents and different situations. You know, the past few years I've had my fair share of difficult early rounds, and most of them have gone to three sets.
So it's been a nice change of pace to get the job done in two in the last few days. My next one is obviously gonna be tough, and I look forward to it. We've had some great matches in the past, and, you know, we've had some battles. I've had some tough losses and great wins. I look forward to this one.
Q. Did you used to sort of be frustrated on the clay and say, If this was only a hardcourt or grass or something like that? Have you gotten over that now? Are you fairly comfortable and it is what it is and you're happy to play on the clay?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: I really do enjoy it. I've learned a lot playing on it the last few years. Now when I play someone that hits a lot of slices or a lot of high balls, it doesn't really bother me. You know, it doesn't affect me as it did, you know, many years ago, because, you know, I knew physically I couldn't be out on the court, you know, I couldn't last quite that long as I feel that I can now.
So just try to go for a little bit more than I should have. You know, I've learned and I've worked on that, and I certainly feel like I'm, you know, more patient out there when I face those opponents on clay.
Q. Justine talked a lot about your great fighting spirit as your positive qualities. Can you just talk about a little bit about your game, your memories, and what makes a special player?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: She has the ability to come out against all different types of players, no matter how big they hit or how strong they are. She's able to, you know, take pace really well, and, you know, play her own game and make you hit lots of balls.
You really gotta be patient against her. You know, I look forward to it. Like I said, I've had really tough losses against her here, but in many of those matches, I learned so much.
You know, and wins against her. We've had some good quality matches and a few not so good. But hopefully this one will be a good quality one.
Q. Your father liked the dress the other night. How has the transition been from him to Michael? Was it difficult, or just a natural thing?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: It was pretty natural, because he's still a part of all my training that I do back home. So I think all of the things that you, you know, work on and you prepare yourself, you do a lot of that on court work when you're at home and you have a few weeks. He's been there most of the time.
But in some of the off seasons he wasn't there, because that's usually the time he goes skiing. God forbid someone takes that time away from him. (laughter.)
But, you know, he's been really great and so supportive, especially when I was injured. You know, he just knew that I would be back and really believed in me. It was every day that I was out there, no matter how tough it was for me, he just always made sure I kept my head up and kept going.
To this day we talk every day, and he still gives me pointers. You know, some great ones; some that I don't want to hear. I love him just the same as when I was traveling with him. I still take his advice on a daily basis. He's still very much part of the team. He just doesn't travel as much, and has a great life away from the traveling.
Q. Justine said that the match you played in Australia seems very distant to her, very far away. Obviously she retired and came back since then. A lot has happened to you, as well. You've had some involuntary time off. Does it also seem distant to you, that whole Australian Open run?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Actually feels like we never left, or it was just yesterday. (laughter.)
That's so funny. It was a couple of years ago, and, you know, here we are. We're back. It's a different Slam, but, you know, it's the same drill. We're waiting before matches. It's as if, you know, things haven't really changed much.
But obviously you think back to the last few years, and both of us have been in different paths and different times in our lives. But here we are going to face each other tomorrow.
Q. Your game has evolved though, and to some degree hers has, too. So on clay here, do you feel like you can bring a few more things to the table than you did in 2005?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: I mean, I am not looking to the matches as going in and becoming a clay court player and changing my game in order to suit someone else. You know, I'll certainly incorporate the things that I've worked on, and I feel that maybe will work against her.
But at the end of the day, I'm still gonna play as who I am and not trying to be somebody else in order to beat someone. Yeah.
Q. She was saying, too, that she loves the fight, and she's trying to learn to enjoy it. Do you enjoy the fight when you lose? That's a tricky thing with players. Everyone says, I love to fight. It's great to love to fight when you win. But can you actually come off a court after you lose and say, God, that was great; lost 7 6 in the third; it was fun being out there, screaming, swearing, the whole thing?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: I think there are different ways of showing your will to fight. I mean, there's you know, I've played some opponents where they've said, Come on after every single point they've won and pump their fist.
Deep down inside I know they're not really great fighters, and I know that mentally I'm much stronger than them. That's just something you feel when you're out there. The fight is not so much about, you know, just the winning a point and just the celebration. It's the whole process of working up to that match, working up to a tournament, of mentally being strong and having a really good attitude.
You know, I've had matches where I've fought really hard. But if I look back, you know, maybe my attitude wasn't quite where it should have been, or maybe I was a little bit negative instead of me when I should have been a little bit more positive.
It's more of a personal thing. But I do love the fight of it, and if I knew that every if we all knew that every single day we were going to wake up and the fighter's going to win the tennis match, we wouldn't really have tennis.
That's why you go on the court, and that's why you play matches and that's why we all compete. Some days some players have better days than others. You know, if the No. 1 seed went on every day, you know, we wouldn't even have to play matches, because they're the favorites.
That's why we go out and play. It's a new day and new opponent and a new challenge.
Q. It was a very attractive outfit you wore today.
MARIA SHARAPOVA: It was the same as the other day.
Q. Well, I didn't watch you the other day.
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Oh, come on, Bud.
Q. It was new. Are you and Venus in a clothing war?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: No. Goodness, no. (laughter.)
No, not at all.
Q. What do you think of her outfit?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: I think it's great. I think she's certainly pushed the buttons, and I think it's so fun that in tennis we can really express our own personalities and we can do some different things, especially if we're able to be involved in working on our own designs. I think it's fun out there.
Q. So you design your stuff?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Uh huh. I do the design.
from: www.mariasharapova.com
Posted by TKT at 4:45 PM 0 comments
5/25/2010 5:39:00 PM
Already 56,000 tickets have been sold for the charity match between the Real Madrid veterans and the Milan Glories on Sunday May 30 at the Santiago Bernabeu of Madrid. Many Rossoneri champions present.
This is the list of Rossoneri players called-up: Franco Baresi, Zvonimir Boban. Simone Braglia, Marcos Cafu, Angelo Carbone, Alessandro Costacurta, Roberto Donadoni, Stefano Eranio, Diego Fuser, Filippo Galli, Gigi Lentini, Paolo Maldini, Daniele Massaro, Cristian Panucci, Jean Pierre Papin, Sebastiano Rossi, Manuel Rui Costa, Serginho, Marco Simone, George Weah, Roberto Lorenzini, Stefano Nava.
The event of May 30 is a sort of second leg solidarity match like the Trofeo Telecom Italia for the Sla fight, which took place on September 7 2009, where the Milan Glories and Real Madrid Veteranos took part. It was a night of stars and great names, all for Stefano Borgonovo, guest of honour, who went on the pitch amongst the applauses of the people and the friends' embraces, accompanied by Paolo Maldini. The captain took him to the middle of the pitch to allow him to feel the warmth of everyone in a stadium which was just for him.
The match saw the Rossoneri (Arrigo Sacchi on the bench) win 2-0, with the goals of Marco Simone and Diego Fuser, amongst many champions who returned to play for Borgonovo and his family. Amongst others, with the Rossoneri there were Franco Baresi, Mauro Tassotti, Angelo Colombo, Billy Costacurta, Gigi Lentini, Zvonimir Boban, Marco Simone, Filippo and Giovanni Galli, Maurizio Ganz and then them: Marco Van Basten, celebrated by the entire stadium, and George Weah. On the stands also the Milan coach Leonardo, with the general manager Adriano Galliani. For Real: Butragueno, Llorente, Buyo, Sanchis, Gallego and many others. Great referee: Pierluigi Collina who wanted to take part.
Posted by TKT at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Manchester United linked with 'new Kaka' Paulo Henrique - report
Manchester United linked with 'new Kaka' Paulo Henrique - report
26 May 2010 14:51:00
The talented youngster has been dubbed ‘the new Kaka’ and is being chased by a host of European clubs including United,
The 20-year-old was tipped to be included in Dunga’s Brazil squad for the World Cup, after scoring 11 goals in 20 league appearances, but he failed to make the final cut for South Africa.
Santos president Alvaro Luis Ribeiro insists that the player is not for sale this summer but it remains to be seen whether the lure of one of Europe’s top sides will be too much for Henrique to resist.
Posted by TKT at 4:29 PM 0 comments
Manchester City striker Emmanuel Adebayor linked with AC Milan, but agent rejects a possible move
sumber: Goal.com
Togolese forward unaware of interest from Italy....
By Salvatore Landolina
28 May 2010 14:45:00
Il Corriere dello Sport had reported a strong interest from Milan in the former
But his agent appears to have killed off all possibilities of a summer exit, claiming he is unaware of any Milan interest.
"I don't know anything about this. Milan have not contacted me, neither have Manchester City," the agent told Calciomercato.it.
"Is he unhappy at City? I don't have anything to say about this."
Posted by TKT at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The city is divided into 15 administrative districts (most visitors will want to stay in Prague 1 and Prague 2, within the historic area bordered by Prague Castle to the northwest and the National Museum at the southeast end of Wenceslas Square). Each district is made up of numerous neighborhoods, such as Old Town and Mala Strana, but confusingly, the names and numbers don't always match up. Vinohrady, for example, sprawls into parts of Prague 3 and 10, though most of it lies in Prague 2.
It's common to hear foreigners, even those from leafy burgs, comment on just how green Prague is. Two major parks (Stromovka and Letenske Sady) stand across the river from Old Town to the north, and there are also major reserves at Petrin and around Prague Castle.
First and foremost, avoid high summer. In July and August, Prague is more crowded than Venice; December, with Christmas markets and picturesque snow, can be almost as bad. Spring is the best time to visit in every way, though it can remain cool through May (with a possible burst of warm sun in April). Fall is fine, too, but it can be damp.
Czech Airlines offers direct flights to Prague from the U.S., flying from both JFK and Newark, though Delta will start direct connections from Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson in May 2007.
Also known as Ruzyne, Prague Airport is about a 30-minute drive from downtown, and a taxi connection should cost about 700 CZK, or around $32. The Visa-brand taxis—a fleet of shiny gray VW Passats—look attractive, but they have a reputation for bad driving. Check for a cab from AAA, Profi, or Rony instead—there's a taxi stand just outside the arrivals gate. Almost as fast is the 119 bus; there's a stop just on the other side of the taxi stand. A 20-CZK ticket is good for one person all the way to the line's terminus at Dejvicka metro station, and it's also valid for a continuing metro or tram ride. (Be careful: The 100 express bus uses the same stop, but it lands in far-out Zlicin.) On your way back, another 20-CZK ticket will get you to the airport in about 40 minutes from Dejvicka.
Most international trains arrive at either Holesovice or Hlavni Nadrazi (Main Station), both of which are on Prague's C metro line. Bus travel is one of the fastest ways to get to the Czech capital from neighboring destinations like Dresden. Most buses arrive at the Florenc bus station, just steps from the Florenc metro, a connecting station for the C and B lines.
Bring sturdy shoes: Despite (or because of) the cobbles and hills, Prague is made for walking. Pick up a good pocket-size map like the Prague Pocket Atlas, available at most newsstands—though getting lost in labyrinthine Old Town and Mala Strana is much of the fun. Trams and the metro are efficient ways to travel outside the center. If you plan to use the metro more than a few times, buy a three-day (220 CZK, about $10) or weeklong (280 CZK, about $12) pass. Two Travel Information Centers sell passes and mini maps every day until 10 p.m. at Prague Airport. Stamp your ticket when you use first use it, either at the entrance to the metro or on a tram. It's not valid otherwise, and if you get caught by one of the plainclothes inspectors, the penalty is the same as for riding without a ticket, and you'll be subject to an annoying fine and an even more annoying lecture. For schedules and complete information in English, go to www.dpp.cz.
Taxis here still have a bad reputation, but thanks to some major scandals after the country's EU entry in 2004, crooked cabbies are largely out of business. Be sure to take a cab from a reputable agency like AAA, Rony, or Profi. Unassociated cars lurking outside the city's Irish pubs and other tourist haunts are more likely to be among the few remaining crooks.
Posted by TKT at 9:02 AM 0 comments
Go anytime. London has no off-season. The weather is famously unpredictable but rarely extreme. That said, recent summers have featured a run of hot weather (up to the 90s), which is hard to take in a city in which air-conditioning is exotic. Rain happens anytime, so bring an umbrella. November through New Year's is festive, starting with fireworks on Guy Fawkes Night (though if you visit over the Christmas to New Year's period, when everyone takes time off work, expect the city to be dead). Spring, from April to early June, is lovely, and in summer everyone's spirits get a lift—locals pack the sidewalk tables, spill out of pubs, and lay out in the parks on their lunch hour.
Heathrow, Europe's busiest airport, lies 12 miles west of London (www.heathrowairport.com). After many teething problems, British Airway's flagship new Terminal 5 (T5) is now open (800-247-9297; www.britishairways.com). Eventually the majority of BA's flights to and from the United States will operate exclusively from T5. The majority of other airlines flying to and from the States use Terminal 3 or Terminal 4. There are several ways to get to central London from Heathrow; the best is via the Heathrow Express rail link, which reaches Paddington Station in West London in 15 minutes (44-845-600-1515; www.heathrowexpress.com). Licensed taxis are also available; fares are metered and traffic can be very heavy, so expect to pay at least £55 (about $110) for a trip to the West End. Alternatively, many car-service companies offer fixed-fare advance booking online (www.carrentals.co.uk/car-hire/london-guide.html). There's also the Tube, including a new station serving T5 customers (44-20-7222-1234; www.tfl.gov.uk/tube).
Gatwick Airport is 28 miles south of London (www.gatwickairport.com). Flights from the States use both the North and the South terminals. Gatwick Express transports passengers to Victoria in 30 minutes, though it takes a bit longer on Sundays (44-121-410-5015; www.gatwickexpress.com). Other trains service London Bridge and King's Cross. All leave from the rail station at the South Terminal; there's a free transit train from the North Terminal. A taxi into central London takes approximately 65 minutes and costs around $145, depending on traffic. The airport's official taxi partner is Checker Cars, which operates a fare-quote system so you can pay in advance (44-129-356-7700; www.checkercars.com).
American Airlines is now operating a daily service to New York's JFK (two flights each day from August 2008 onward) from Stansted Airport in the county of Essex, situated 32 miles northeast of London. The Stansted Express runs every 15 minutes (with a journey time of 45 minutes) to and from Liverpool Street in London's financial district (44-845-600-7245; www.stanstedexpress.com). The airport's official taxi partner is Checker Cars, which operates a fare-quote system so you can pay in advance (44-127-966-1111; www.checkercars.com).
The London Underground—or the Tube, as it's generally known—runs from approximately 5:30 a.m. until just after midnight. Its 12 lines, plus the Docklands Light Railway (DLR), are a quick and relatively cheap way of getting around. London is divided into six zones; ticket prices rise each time you travel between zones. Most visitors will stay in Zones 1 and 2, except to go to the airport. Tickets are required for both entry and exit and are available from automated machines (some take credit cards, some are cash only) as well as the station ticket office. Tickets can also be purchased before arrival at www.ticket-on-line.com.
There is a confusing number of ticket types available for travel within London. An Oyster card is the ticket of choice for most Londoners and the best option for visitors. An initial fee of £3 (about $5.80) can save you up to £1.50 (about $2.75) per trip. Single-journey tickets and unlimited Travel Cards (for one, three, or seven consecutive days) are also available. The price increases depending on how many zones you include.
Sadly, London's iconic red double-decker buses have been phased out, retained only as an attraction on two heritage routes. Their modern replacements admittedly do have better access for disabled passengers and strollers. Either pay the driver the exact fare (£1.50, or about $2.75), show your Travel Card, or swipe your Oyster. If there's a yellow sign at the bus stop, you need to buy your ticket at the machine before boarding. Buses use the same zone system as the Tube. If you find yourself stranded after the Underground closes, catch one of the night buses, clearly marked with a large N, which run from 11:30 pm to 6 am. Go to www.tfl.gov.uk/buses to check routes.
Drivers of London's legendary black cabs have to pass the Knowledge, a two-year series of study and exams, before they can join the ranks. The meter starts at £2.40 (about $4.75), and the final price depends upon distance, taxi speed, and time of day. A one-mile trip taking five minutes will cost approximately £4.35 (about $8.50) during the weekday, about £4.80 (about $9.45) after 8 pm and on weekends, and £5.45 (about $10.75) after 10 pm or on public holidays. Taxis can be hailed on the street or ordered (for a minimal surcharge). Several black-cab companies can be reached via telephone through One Number taxi bookings: 44-871-871-8710. Check www.tfl.gov.uk/pco/ for more taxi information.
Minicabs are another option, especially late at night. Beware of unmarked minicabs; only order one by telephone or at a minicab office (see a licensed list at www.tfl.gov.uk/pco/). Minicabs are unmetered and charge by distance.
Rush hour is horrendous, parking is difficult and expensive, there's a daily "congestion charge" for driving in central London, and other drivers show little mercy for the uninitiated. Oh yeah, and the Brits drive on the left. If you insist, the major agencies all have offices here.
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Posted by TKT at 8:51 AM 0 comments