5/5/2010 11:29:00 AM
The profits of the book will be desinted to the Milan Foundation, for the Maria Letizia Verga Commitee and the San Gerardo Hospital of Monza.

MILAN - “300 GOL (e non ho ancora finito”) is the autobiography of Filippo Inzaghi, the Milan player who made professionalism and maniacal dedication to the ball his style. The book is about the numerolgy of Pippo who has already entered the Italian football history as one of the four attackers able to score more than 300 goals in career. "300", like the precious anecdotes, numbered as a tribute to his target. Inzaghi speaks about himself, his dreams, his love for Alessia Ventura, his wonderful familty and his desire to start his own, the values he believes in, the same which helped him to become such a good player for such a long time and to overcome serious injuries and moment of difficulties. An autobiography full of many photos. Filippo Inzaghi will offer his profits to the Milan Foundation to finance the Sorverglianza project for children who have recovered from leukemia and lymphoma, created inside the San Gerado Hospital of Monza by the Maria Letizia Verga Committee.
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